Baal's Revenge

Location: Kentucky

Just an old guy who would like to do his part to help our nation and our citizens get out of debt and stay that way. Being debt-free is an important freedom and helps us be be more able to protect our other freedoms.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Roll of Government

If we have a government that is busily protecting banks, oil companies, drug companies, Saudi Arabia, Walmart/China, who is protecting the "little guy?" What is deregulation and who is getting deregulated. Well, there was Enron. How much more deregulation can we stand? If 1% of us controls 40% of our wealth, why are they wanting more? Who will stand against them? Joseph Pulitzer's motto was "Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." It doesn't appear that Rupert Murdoch, Viacom, or General Electric are thinking that way. It may be that the only free media in this country will be blogs and bloggers. . .

Altar Ego

I'm not sure about the parallel between the altar to Baal that was destroyed by Gideon and what goes on in contemporary America. Gideon's father, that wit, said afterward. "Let Baal revenge himself." If Baal is back, who is he? What does he represent? We know the cult of Baal practiced human sacrifice. Could Baal now reside in Texas?