Baal's Revenge

Location: Kentucky

Just an old guy who would like to do his part to help our nation and our citizens get out of debt and stay that way. Being debt-free is an important freedom and helps us be be more able to protect our other freedoms.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Living Wage for Gulf Coast Rebuilders

I sent the following to Representative Ron Lewis (R-KY). I am NOT betting on him!

Yesterday, September 19, 2005, I sent you an email asking your position on the President's suspension of the Davis-Bacon Act. Not surprisingly, I have not heard your response. I am following up with this email to notify you of a great opportunity to show the working people of your congressional district that you believe in the American worker, that you believe the Federal government should stand behind a fair wage. You can become the FIRST Republican co-sponsor of H. R. 3763 which would "reinstate the application of the wage requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act to Federal contracts in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina."

Your President will make sure Halliburton, Fluor, and Bechtel profit from the misery of the people of our Gulf Coast. Why don't you join your colleagues in seeing that the people who actually do the work will receive a fair wage?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Bush Suspends Prevailing Wage

So the White House has issued a proclamation suspending "prevailing wage" in areas hit by Katrina. At first blush, we might think, "What a good idea. We get more bang for our buck in rebuilding new Orleans." Sadly, NO! Dammit! Halliburton gets more bang for their buck. All the Bush cronies and exploiters of illegal immigrants get a green light to flock to New Orleans and force local skilled workers to compound their losses from Katrina by either accepting a 30+ percent pay cut or being displaced by minimum wage workers. The same families who are fighting George Bush's ill-conceived war will bear the burden of keeping Halliburton execs comfortable. But, by God, they better not try to take bankruptcy! The Bushies have already protected the poor banking industry from the working classes. Thanks for caring George! How much more compassionate conservatism can working Americans stand?

Sorry for the profanity! Too angry to try for eloquence. As can be expected, this little proclamation did not attract the interest of the corporate newsies. If you've never had a blister or been paid by the hour, how can you be expected to care about this travesty?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Halliburton Stock Tip

For anyone who doesn't already know how Halliburton got all those multibillion dollar contracts in Iraq, this article might prove lucrative. Anyone who believes the administration will successfully shut up potential whistleblowers by their demotion of Greenhouse should buy Halliburton. Anyone crazy enough to expect Democrats and the media to find enough backbone to shine the light of day on Bushco's Halliburton dealings could sell Halliburton shares short.

A Strategy to Gerrymander New Orleans?

This story from the bible of the rich, the Wall Street Journal, describes a vision for rebuilding New Orleans held by some residents who escaped the worst of the storm and levee breaks. Essentially, their vision of the future includes fewer poor and black citizens. After all, such people are so inconvenient after the beds are made and the floors are scrubbed. Surely there is no link between this kind of thinking and the federal foot-dragging we witnessed last week. That is the sort of talk that could make Kanye West paranoid.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Senatorial Sneakiness

Considering that all eyes are on the continuing tragedy in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama and the Federal Government's belated, lackadaisical, and inept response, it is obscene that Senator Frist plans to bring the permanent repeal of the Estate Tax up for a vote next week. Surely the United States Senate has more important priorities to address than another tax cut for the richest two percent of Americans.

In fact, cynics might jump to the conclusion that the Republican leadership, like Kentucky's governor with his pardons, is using the focus on Hurricane Katrina to sneak this legislation through. Why don't you guys give this legislation a snappy name, maybe "No Millionnaire Let Behind," or the "Paris Hilton Welfare Initiative?"

Right Wing Talking Points and Looting in New Orleans

Did anyone catch Franklin Graham, that glib wingnut son of Billy, on Hannity and Colmes last night blaming looting in New Orleans on "taking God out of the schools." Is it possible that no water, no food, no shelter, and no help could also be minor factors, you sanctimonious, rich NUT!