Baal's Revenge

Location: Kentucky

Just an old guy who would like to do his part to help our nation and our citizens get out of debt and stay that way. Being debt-free is an important freedom and helps us be be more able to protect our other freedoms.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Right to Work

In Kentucky tonight, one of the four stupid things in Governor Ernie Fletcher's State of the Commonwealth address was his call for a "Right to Work" law. "Right to Work" is the Republican euphemism for the right to die in a non-union workplace. The following is an anonymous comment to a post about the speech on

RIGHT TO WORK its not just about the jobs and money. 7 men were killed in a factory in Corbin Ky due to proven unsafe working conditions. The company busted the union at this factory several years prior to these workers being killed on the job. 3 coal miners have died in Harlen Ky non union mines in 2005. These mines had been union mines,the company shut them down and reopen them under a new name non union, three miners died. While no one wants to be in a race to see who can work the cheapest, being able to go home from work uninjured and alive is more important than creating new jobs and more money. While the right likes to proclaim they are on the side of God, how can they knowingly kick the working man & woman who most needs a helping and still have that holier than thou silly look on their face.

I believe I could have said it more correctly, but not nearly as eloquently!

The other three stupid things?
1. Kentucky's veterans fought for the Right to be able to demand that "intelligent design" be substituted for science. There is no need to elaborate on why this is stupid.
2. Obstetricians and Neurosurgeons are leaving Kentucky in droves because of "frivolous" lawsuits. According to this State agency, Fletcher is lying. Besides, what patient who suffers because of errors during medical treatment considers his/her lawsuit frivolous? Who are you going to believe, this Republican who was once a medical doctor or these people.
3. Ernie proposes a primary seatbelt law and in the next paragraph proposes raising the speed limit to 70 mph on "certain highways." Does he think we'd break even on the death toll? If he wants to save lives, why doesn't Ernie propose a 55 mph limit for trucks on Kentucky's Interstates and confine them to the right lane?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sago: Metaphor for Republican Rule

A coal mine owned by a billionaire living in a New York penthouse, Right to Work, union-busting, lax regulation, weak enforcement, twelve dead men. Gee, the owner is so very sorry the miners are dead. Wow, so is the President. Questions: Would this mine have been operating with its safety violations if it was a union mine? How many deaths will it take for there to be adequate regulation and strict enforcement? Is this a result of "smaller government?" How many dollars did coal operators contribute to Republicans in the last election? To Democrats? Does the coal industry have lobbyists in D. C?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Questions That Cry Out for Answers

1. How much of your liberty are you willing to trade for the microscopic chance you will be harmed by a terrorist?
2. Who is Henry Hager and when will he be deploying to Iraq?
3. If the "War on Christmas" is a fraud, is there a war on tolerance for religions other than Christianity?
4. How would you like to live in a nation with a Muslim government?
5. How would you like to live in a country with a Catholic government?
6. How would you like to live in a country with an atheist government?
7. How would you like to live in a country run bey born-again Christians?
8. How do you fell about separation of church and state?

Who is Robert D. Lenhard and Why is Bush Nominating Him to the Federal Election Commission?

Could it have anything to do with the fact that he was a lead attorney in a lawsuit to overturn the provisions of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law?

Could it have anything to do with the fact that HE IS VIVECA NOVAK'S HUSBAND? Can you say quid pro quo?