Stars and Bars: Why?
I was driving behind a new Chevy pickup this morning and saw one of those see-thru graphics on the rear window that looked, at first, like the American flag. As I examined it more closely, I saw that the graphic morphed as I scanned from the upper left to the lower right into the confederate flag.
I am not particularly offended, but very curious. Why would someone find such a graphic satisfying and feel the need to display it. The following are just speculation, but my guesses why a person would proudly display this "Flag:"
1. He (Surely this was a guy!) has a romanticized view of the Old South and the Confederate Cause.
2. He sees himself as a rebel and thus identifies with those historical Rebels.
3. He resents the real or imagined negative impact of Affirmative Action on him.
4. He is defiantly racists and is issuing a dare to any person of color who might want to take issue with his display.
I've run out of possibilities. If anyone can think of more reasons anyone would flaunt the Confederate Flag, please add them in the comments section.
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