True Believers and Con Men
Some of my friends are saying that Karl Rove truly believes that liberals reacted to 9/11 by blaming America first and wanting to cure the terrorists and some of my friends believe it is just another dose of propaganda, the old Wingnut Noise Machine. I agree with my friends. Just because they're spinning to beat the band doesn't mean they don't believe that crap and just because they believe that crap doesn't mean they're not spinning to beat the band. Either way or both, it serves their interests better than discussing:
1. Whether there are more or fewer terrorists set on hurting US than before 9/11/2001.
2. How many non-terrorists we've alienated, maimed, or killed trying to kill terrorists.
3. How many people we've alienated with our prisoner abuse scandals.
4. How much money we're giving to Halliburton, KBR, et. al. to foul things up even more.
5. The fact that there are no Army, Marine, Air Force, or Navy recruiters at the College Republicans convention going on right now.
6. The fact that no speaker at the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention exhorted Southern Baptist youth to do join the Army.
7. The vast and growing gap between the haves and have-nots in this country.
8. The military's choice between sending more of our children to Iraq to be IED targets versus killing more innocent Iraqis in order to make sure we get the guilty ones.
9. All the legislation to protect banks, drug companies, polluters from US.
10. The gutting of our armed services and reserves by the cavalier deployment of soldiers by people who were "too busy" to serve themselves.
People this crass NEED to denigrate the patriotism of others.
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