The Brilliance of George Bush
Osama Bin Laden, born to a wealthy family in Saudi Arabia. Fifteen of the nineteen September 11, 2001 hijackers Saudi Arabia citizens. Logic says Saudi Arabia might be our enemy. Why didn't we attack them? George W. Bush had a prickly dilemma. We are dependent on Saudi Arabia for oil but, more importantly, the Bush and Walker families have ties to the Saudis that go back to the 1920s. How can you attack your friends and benefactors? What to do? Divert attention by attacking . . . Iraq!
Now, this week the corporate media carries a story that 40% of the "insurgents" in Iraq are Saudis. Finally, I understand the genius of George Bush. If you cannot go into your friends' country and kill terrorists, just go next door and invite them over, tell them to "Bring it on!" What genius! Now, if he could just get those College Republicans meeting in DC this weekend to join the service and fight. . . Hell, he ain't that bright!
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