Grover Norquist, Apostle of Privilege
It is with humility that I accept the commission from Admiral Jackleg to coordinate nominees to the elite twelve Apostles of Privilege. I hereby nominate Grover Norquist and submit that the estimable Grover is eminently qualified under the seven currently identified criteria. Although there is a dearth of information about his elementary and secondary schooling, he received his undergraduate and graduate education at Hahvahd, and therefore has in his history private education and elitism. I can find no record of his having served in any branch of the military and his resume seems to indicate that he gave no years of his life in service of his country. I find in his biography no reference to hourly employment or union membership. It is particularly appropriate to nominate Grover today since he has gone to the meeting of College Republicans, not to exhort them to join up and serve their country (see Operation Yellow Elephant posts here), but to attack two sane and conscientious female US Senators and a Vietnam War hero and POW. One has to wonder if there is a connection in Grover's mind between McCain's POW years and his status, in Grover's rhetoric, as "the nut-job from Arizona." Shameful, but typical. I not only nominate Grover as an Apostle of Privilege, but as Chairman of the Board!
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