Location: Kentucky

Just an old guy who would like to do his part to help our nation and our citizens get out of debt and stay that way. Being debt-free is an important freedom and helps us be be more able to protect our other freedoms.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Definitions I Needed Years Ago

I just started reading In the Company of Liars by David Ellis. At the end of the first or second chapter, I came on a quotation to this effect:
Philosophy: questions that cannot be answered.
Religion: answers that cannot be questioned.
This is absolutely the best reason why it is bad politics to mix government and religion. (Or should that read, "This is absolutely the best reason why it is bad government to mix politics and religion?") Would someone please convey this simple message to George Bush and the Republicans? Granted that they are getting votes in the short run, but it is at the cost of democracy and civility in our public discourse and their use of religion is nothing less than cynical. The same applies to the nattily attired television ministers like Revs. Jackson, Robertson, Dobson, and sometimes Graham.


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