When Demogogues Confuse Science and Religion
That great intellect, George W(hat, ME worry?) Bush, has declared that schools should teach "intelligent design" as a scientific theory alongside evolution. Maybe we should just submit science to a new age of Inquisition and bring back witchcraft trials for scientists. Bush and his band of cynical billionaires have won millions of votes by pretending to share beliefs with religious fundamentalists. This particular statement is intended to remind fundamentalists that the W is on their side, whatever that is. Going back to the Scopes trial in 1925, religious people who could not square the theory of evolution with their own religious belief in the inerrancy of every word in the Bible have expected government to make scientific theorists and science teachers either shut up about evolution or teach their religious beliefs as competing science. Intelligent Design is an unscientific belief and therefore has no place in science classes. Modern science readily admits that it does not have all the answers, but rightly claims to attempt objectivity. The folks demanding "intelligent design" in the curriculum are attempting anything but objectivity.
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