I posted the following comment on one of my favorite blogs:
What a patriotic initiative! General, you are a General because of your great creativity and deep love for the truth. This campaign must succeed. There seems to be a vast right wingnut conspiracy to prevent our privileged young learning about their opportunity so SERVE. Thank you for caring enough to reveal their opportunity for self-sacrifice.
The supporters of the Iraq adventure have put neither their money or the lives of their children where their loud mouths are. A few things we would see if these talking heads were for real:
1. An appeal for their own young members to enlist from every pulpit that denounced John Kerry.
2. Enlistments, encouragements to their relatives to enlist, and public service announcements for recruiters from the country music industry. Until they are in uniform or have their children in uniform, they should stop singing those flag waving, macho ditties.
3. A campaign by Focus on the Family to encourage the religious young to become warriors in Iraq.
4. Scholarships to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for anyone who volunteers to serve in the United states Army.
5. Offices for military recruiters in all fundamentalist Christian schools.
Surely my readers could come up with more ways the verbally patriotic, who can be most readily identified by Bush bumper stickers on their vehicles, can prove they are ready to sacrifice for the Iraqi adventure. The hallmarks of true patriotism, in my humble opinion, include expenditure of one's own wealth, one's own blood, and one's own freedom to the extent that freedom is curtailed by serving in the military.